Saturday, 26 June 2021

You are you (2021)

"You are no less valuable at a size 14 than a size 4.You are no less valuable as a 32 A than a 32 C."

This is a quote that changed my life massively. I came across it when I was 16.I was a sick child growing up, I have always had alot of medicinal side effects, it ranged from blackness on my knees and arms to allergies to body weight to throwing up every morning before school,yes bulimia

While growing up, I always looked super confident yet I'm very insecure about my body, my weight, my height, my face -everything. 

During my sixteens, I was once asked for a photoshoot, one of my acquaintances said, 'curvy girls don't got what it takes to go for a photoshoot, it's meant for Lean girls'

I was highly taken aback. I denied to do that photo shoot because I didn't think I deserved to do it. 

I went home cried myself to sleep. If you know me, I have a very less appetite. I started throwing up when I was 17. I used to throw up every morning because of iron deficiency and less vitamin B12 in my body and later as a resort to lessen my pain. 

But One day I came across the quote mentioned above, that day it all changed for me.  I understood That you don’t need to be lean be to healthy. 

I'm still curvy with cellulite, stretch marks and what not. But I am active. I am improving my health by eating healthy and living a better lifestyle.

It's been years, but I still look back at myself  and wonder, what if I did not have that breakthrough, there are millions of people who still haven't had theirs and it's alright, trust me you'll have one. Just Trust yourself on this. 

Over decades the society has tried so hard to establish some stupid standard of beauty but I’ll be clear - there's no standard for Beauty- there can’t be. Every person is beautiful and unique in their own way. 

To me, beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It's about loving, accepting who you are. 

I'm insecure today too, I get anxiety while posting photos. But I have accepted who I am. This has definetly not been easy, but every struggle makes you strong. 


Every person is sexy in their own way. 

Every piece of you is a burst of beautiful❤️

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